Clr. Greg Watson
Media Release
Notice of Motion Delivers Win for Berrara Residents

Councillor Greg Watson, Bob Proudfoot and the Shoalhaven Independents have delivered a win for the residents of Berrara, Cudmirrah and Sussex Inlet, residents will now have a say regarding Shoalhaven City Council's Plans to Mass plant the Berrara foreshore reserve. 

Councillor Greg Watson supported his Notice of Motion with photos, which were displayed on screens at the Council Meeting.  Speaking to the notice of motion, Councillor Watson said that Shoalhaven City Council had spent $1.3 million acquiring an area of land known as the Berrara flat.

Tragically, Councillor Watson said that the mass planting of the foreshore area of this reserve has rendered it almost useless for residents and visitors.

‘The dense planting of low growing shrubs, has almost obliterated the view of the lagoon and the beach from the reserve.  This has led to a situation where mums and dads are reluctant to use the reserve, because they can no longer see their children swimming, ' Council Watson said.

The notice of motion was strongly supported by Councillor Bob Proudfoot who said the planting out of foreshore reserved areas was one of the most contentious issues in the City, as it took away from residents and ratepayers views which they prized greatly.

Councillor Watson continued saying that he was delighted that the notice of motion had been carried unanimously.

The notice of motion called for an on-site meeting with residents, followed by a meeting in the Sussex Inlet Gymnasium at the Thompson St Centre.

The meeting has been organised at the Berrara Creek reserve, Lakeland Avenue, Berrara and has been scheduled to Thursday the fourth of December 2008 commencing on site at 5 p.m.

Following the on-site public meeting, residents will be invited to move to the gymnasium in the Sussex inlet Community Centre at Thompson Street Sussex inlet.

Contact Greg Watson, 0142210979
This is Berrara Flat Reserve ( the one resumed)