Ulladulla Harbour Walkway on the Agenda

Councillor Greg Watson and the Shoalhaven Independent Councillors Bob Proudfoot and Josi Young have put the Ulladulla Harbour Walkway firmly on the agenda by submitting a Notice of Motion to Next Tuesdays Shoalhaven City Council Meeting.

Councillor Greg Watson commenting in support of the Motion said that the Walkway had been proposed over 30 years ago and that the Cowley Family had made provision in their development for a connection from the princes Hwy to the proposed starting point of the Walk.

The Motion calls on Council to provide the funding in next years Budget for the detailed design and the staged construction of the of the Walkway.

“The time for talk has long since passed and Council should  commit to this long overdue project that has the potential to lay the foundation stone for the progressive redevelopment of those shops which currently have their backs turn on the Iconic signature view of Ulladulla”, Clr Watson said.

The Motion also calls for extensive Community Consultation regarding the draft plan once it has been prepared.

Commenting further Clr Watson said that the Harbour Walkway along with a new Library for Ulladulla had been among his policy commitments for the Ulladulla Area.


Contact Greg Watson, 0142210979

Notice of Motion

Ulladallu CBD/Harbour Walkway
      Council consider allocating funds in the 09/10 Budget for the detail design and staged commencement of the construction of the Ulladulla CBD/Harbour Walkway.
      The General Manager take action to register a Right of Way over the link provided during the construction of the Cowley Family property located adjacent to the Harbour.
      The General Manger ensure that consultation occurs with property owners, Southern Shoalhaven Business Chamber, the local CCB’s and community regarding the concept.
      That Council undertake a revue of the Section 94 Plan to ensure that adequate Developer contributions are collected for the project.
Clr Greg Watson

Clr Josi Young

Clr Bob Proudfoot

Note: This Walkway has been proposed for at least 30 years and if the future redevelopment of the commercial properties fronting the Harbour Foreshore Reserve is going to maximise the view opportunities of the Harbour, it is critical for Council to become involved in the proactive facilitation of the redevelopment by the construction of the Public Walkway.