Berry ShoalhavenHeads Kangaroo Valley

One of three Sustainable Councils in NSW
Half a Billion dollars in New Infrastructure in just eight years - it is the proactive leadership by Greg and the supply of new infrastructure that has led to Shoalhaven City Council  being  assessed as one of three Councils on the East Coast as being sustainable into the future. Greg said he was delighted but not surprised that Professor Percy Allan former head of the NSW Treasury had given them the tick of approval.

Main Street Improvements
Greg said recently that he wanted to see additional Street scaping  completed as soon as possible. To provide a better shopping amenity for locals and tourists alike.

Coolangatta Road
Four years ago Greg asked the people of Shoalhaven Heads what their first priority was and the reconstruction of Coolangatta Road was it, and he is committed to see the continued reconstruction of the road.

Shoalhaven Heads
The provision of a cycleway and the sealing of the carpark at Zealand Oval are two projects for the Heads Greg has supported.

Berry Carparking Improvements
Greg said that the car parking to serve Berry must be increased if the Town is to maintain its pre-eminence as one of the Cities most important Tourist assets,  planning was in place.

Big W for Nowra
The proposed Big W has been approved and we are now waiting on the owner to appoint the building contractor. The delivery of this project was a promise by Greg during the last Election. 

Extension of the Cycleway Footpath Network
Greg is committed to continue extending the cycleway work in the area. Commenting recently he said that we need to continue to encourage our community to exercise by strategically locating cycleways and walking paths. Council has now agreed to continue with the acceleration of the construction works.

Indoor Sporting Complex
Planning is well advanced and expressions of interest have been called for the development a Northern Indoor Sporting Complex, Greg is committed to see this project completed early in the next term of Council.

Berry Bi-pass
Greg said that the time for talking is long over and that it was time for the RTA to commit to its early construction, he has promised to work hard on getting a funding commitment from the RTA.

Cycleway Kangaroo Valley
Greg said he has been able to make an additional $10,000 available for the extension of the community constructed Cycleway. He congratulated  those involved.

More jobs
Greg has continued his relentless push to create more jobs by encouraging economic growth and he is continuing to come up with new and innovative ideas to encourage new businesses and enterprises to establish here. He recently developed a new concept of encouraging ratepayers who own properties in the Shoalhaven to consider relocating their businesses or industries here. Greg was able to convince Council to hold a seminar in Sydney to explain the advantages of relocating to our region. Greg said he was delighted with the response and he said he is hopeful that we will get hundreds of new jobs from the program.

Protection of Residential Areas
Greg has recommended to Council that strong planning controls be put in place to protect residential areas from high density development.

Water Supply Security
During the last four years Greg has been lobbying Government Ministers to agree to a new water supply agreement to cater for the future. During this period Greg established a close working relationship with former Minister Debus and Minister McDonald. Because of the respect the Ministers had for Mayor Greg they agreed to enter into a new formal agreement, which gives us secure access to enough water to provide for our growth for the next fifty years. In addition Minister Debus gave our community free of cost access to the water in Sydney's Tallowa Dam in Kangaroo Valley.

The Men's Shed
It was Greg's persistence that saved the building at Shoalhaven Heads now being used for the Men's shed from demolition and it was Greg and Matt Brown who organised the funding for the extension.

Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre  
This is a project Greg has driven from start to finish; he even outlined how the project could be funded without impacting on Councils normal works program and remarkably without increasing Rates and Charges. The project funding came from the sale of Council land in the Nowra area, developer contributions and Government Grants. Greg said recently that outside of the new Water Supply Agreement he had negotiated with the State Government this is one of his greatest achievements.

Main Road 92
This vital road has had Greg's full support, Councils contribution of 12 millions dollars towards the construction cost has ensured the projects funding by both State and Commonwealth Governments.

Support for Rual Fire Service & SES
Greg has always been a strong supporter of  our volunteers in the SES & RFS and promises to ensure that Council continues to support both organisations.