
One of three Sustainable Councils in NSW
Half a Billion dollars in New Infrastructure in just eight years - it is the proactive leadership by Greg and the supply of new infrastructure that has led to Shoalhaven City Council  being  assessed as one of three Councils on the East Coast as being sustainable into the future. Greg said he was delighted but not surprised that Professor Percy Allan former head of the NSW Treasury had given them the tick of approval.

Harbour Walkway & Improvements
Greg made a promise to start work on the redevelopment of the Council assets around the Harbour and the work has started with the $500,000 new amenity block/viewing platform and he has promised to  start work on the Harbour Board Walk in the next term.

A new Library for Ulladulla
A high priority for Greg is the establishment of a new Library for Ulladulla; Greg said that he is committed to see the new Library built as soon as possible. Studies have indicated that the new facility should have a floor area of at least 1000 sq m.

Sewerage Scheme for Tabourie Lake
Greg promised to extend the sewer to Tabourie and this project has been completed.

University Campus for Ulladulla
The concept of decentralised University tutoring is well established and Greg said he was keen to try and have a Campus established in the Ulladulla area.

Sewerage Scheme Conjola to Bendalong
This scheme was a promise of Greg's during the last election to protect the Lake from pollution and it has now been completed at a cost of 54 million dollars.

New Sporting Facilities
In a Mayoral Minute submitted to Council at a recent Meeting Greg recommended and Council adopted a commitment to proceed as soon as possible with the expansion of the West Ulladulla Sporting Complex.

Commitment to Expand Ulladulla's Industrial Area
Greg said that Council is at an advanced stage of acquiring more land from the Lands Department for an expansion of the industrial area at Kings Point and that he wanted to see the process completed as soon as possible.

New 4000 sq Metre Supermarket for Ulladulla 
Several meetings have been held with a Supermarket Operator who is interested in opening in Ulladulla. Greg said the most recent meeting he had with the proponents indicated that they would be lodging a Development Application in the near future.

More jobs
Greg has continued his relentless push to create more jobs by encouraging economic growth and he is continuing to come up with new and innovative ideas to encourage new businesses and enterprises to establish here. He recently developed a new concept of encouraging ratepayers who own properties in the Shoalhaven to consider relocating their businesses or industries here. Greg was able to convince Council to hold a seminar in Sydney to explain the advantages of relocating to our region. Greg said he was delighted with the response and is hopeful that we will get hundreds of new jobs from the program.

Cycleway Murramarang Road Bawley Point/Kioloa
Greg was able to convince Council to commit additional funds to assist the communities self help approach to extending the Cycleway along Murramarang Road.

Water Supply Security
During the last four years Greg has been lobbying Government Ministers to agree to a new water supply agreement to cater for the future. During this period Greg established a close working relationship with former Minister Debus and Minister McDonald. Because of the respect the Ministers had for Mayor Greg they agreed to enter into a new formal agreement, which gives us secure access to enough water to provide for our growth for the next fifty years. In addition Minister Debus gave our community free of cost access to the water in Sydney's Tallowa Dam in Kangaroo Valley.

Murramarang Road Upgrade
Funds have been included in the budget for the progressive upgrade of Murramarang Road, the inclusion this funding followed representations Greg received from the community.

Shoalhaven Entertainment Centre
This is a project Greg has driven from start to finish; he even outlined how the project could be funded without impacting on Councils normal works program and remarkably without increasing Rates and Charges. The project funding came from the sale of Council land in the Nowra area, developer contributions and Government Grants. Greg said recently that outside of the new Water Supply Agreement he had negotiated with the State Government this is one of his greatest achievements.

Main Road 92
This vital road has had Greg's full support, Councils contribution of 12 millions dollars towards the construction cost has ensured the projects funding by both State and Commonwealth Governments.

Support for Rual Fire Service & SES
Greg has always been a strong supporter of  our volunteers in the SES & RFS and promises to ensure that Council continues to support both organisations.